Call for Papers
Doctoral Symposium
We invite doctoral students doing research in the Society 5.0 domains to submit a summary of their research for the doctoral symposium, to be held in conjunction with Society 5.0 2025.
Your submission must clearly state:
Background of the research
Specific research problem being examined
Methodological approach used
Description of the artifact
Summary of work done to date
Expected contribution of the work
A plan to assure research transparency of your work
Specific issues related to doctoral research that you would like to discuss at the consortium
List of References
Submissions must not exceed 4 pages plus one page for references. All manuscripts must be formatted using Springer Style Files and Templates in Word or LaTeX. Only submissions made in these formats will be considered for review.
Submissions will be reviewed by the doctoral consortium chairs and faculty mentors and a set of submissions will be accepted for presentation at the consortium.