Call for Papers
Research Track
We invite submissions of unpublished research papers describing original research contributions related to «Society 5.0». Submissions addressing topics across the spectrum of «Society 5.0», on issues of concern to researchers or practitioners or both are welcome.
All submissions will be peer-reviewed by an international program committee based on relevance, significance, rigor, novelty, replicability, and quality.
Research Track Submission Guidelines
All research submissions will go through a double-blind review process conducted by an international review panel. Your submission will be assessed anonymously by at least two reviewers and managed by the track chairs and program committee. Practice track submissions will be handled by the conference chairs.
Full paper submissions must be 12 pages.
Proceedings with all accepted full papers will be available online on the Society 5.0 website. It is planned that a selection of accepted full papers will appear in a volume of the Springer series (Communications in Computer and Information Science – CCIS). Please ensure that your full paper adheres to the required Springer format (Author instructions) and submit the pdf version for review in EasyChair. An option for open access, at an additional cost, will be available to authors.
In complying with Springer publication guidelines, manuscripts may be submitted through a plagiarism-checking tool, following both submissions for review and the arrival of the files at Springer. Please see the Springer website for more information.
All manuscripts must be formatted using Springer Style Files and Templates in Word or LaTeX. Only submissions made in these formats will be considered for review.
Authors will be required to submit a signed Consent to Publish form, through which the copyright of their paper is transferred to Springer.
Important Dates
Deadline for full research paper submissions: 10 February 2025 EXTENDED To 24 February 2025!
o Please note that Society 5.0 is not an abstract conference and we require a full submission for the review process.
Notification of full research paper acceptances: 16 April 2025
Camera-ready paper submissions: 7 May 2025