Call for Papers

Research Track

We invite submissions of unpublished research papers describing original research contributions related to «Society 5.0». Submissions addressing topics across the spectrum of «Society 5.0», on issues of concern to researchers or practitioners or both are welcome.

All submissions will be peer-reviewed by an international program committee based on relevance, significance, rigor, novelty, replicability, and quality.  


Society 5.0 is a broad subject and therefore the list of topics covers many related subject areas. Submissions are sought on, but not limited to the following subject areas and topics.

Society 5.0

Society 5.0 research agenda

Society 5.0 challenges and opportunities

Human-centred society

Drivers and enablers for transformation

Human skills in Society 5.0

New Leadership

Civil Society

Environmental Sustainability

Inclusiveness of people with disabilities

Decent work

Business Information Systems

Cyber-Physical Systems

Internet of Things

Digital Twins

Digitalization of Business Processes

Conceptual Modeling

Business Innovation &  Entrepreneurship

Business integration strategy

Digitalization of Products

Emerging markets 

Human capital

Business agility

Digital transformation

Circular economy



Gendering of skills

Stereotypes (age, gender, (dis)abilities)

Accessibility of technologies across borders (countries, societal levels, disciplines)

Inequality in software development

Democratization in technological development

Economic development


Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL)

Creative teaching

Cross-cultural teaching and learning

Institutional structures for education

New learning methods

Innovation in the Digital Age 

Open innovation

Big Data analysis 

Innovation development

Online collaboration for design and in-novation

Knowledge visualization

Knowledge management

Healthcare and Care Systems

AI for drug development 

Personalized medicine 

Electronic patient records 

Care robots, therapy robots 

Health and well-being

Information Security 

Cyber security and resilience

Data privacy

Risk management

Business continuity management



Autonomous driving 

Mobility as a Service 

Smart City

Human-System Interaction Scenarios

Collaboration between human and AI 

Automating knowledge work 

Conversational AI 

Resilient socio-technical systems

Social robots

Human-interpretable and machine-interpretable modeling


Future banking

Sustainable finance

Digital financial management


International Collaboration

Cultural differences in business

Cross-cultural communication and trust

Collaboration across borders, cultures, and languages

Digital Supply Chain

Public sector